Overtown Walking Audit

A blue banner with trees and the words overtown walking audit

Overtown Walking Audit

Walking audits (WA) can be extremely valuable in assessing needs in the physical, built environment toward making changes that make streets, public spaces, and transportation options safer, more convenient, and more accessible. Such improvements have been associated with improved mental, social, and physical health, access to opportunity including employment and education, economic development, and more equitable communities.

With the support of a grant through Allegany Franciscan Ministries and in partnership with the Overtown Common Good Initiative, a walking audit of Overtown in Miami, FL was conducted on November 13, 2018. The Walking Audit community workshop specifically aimed to accomplish the following objectives and generate the following results for participants:

-Develop a shared understanding of how the built environment has impacted the health and well-being of Overtown residents

-Develop a shared understanding of concerns for pedestrians, related to the safety, access, comfort, and convenience of the environment

-Experience the surrounding area as a pedestrian

-Identify opportunities for a walkable environment

Based on feedback from the walking audit and analysis of participants’ responses, a number of recommendations were made and summarized in a report to help inform future efforts. UHP is committed to future partnerships to help address issues and opportunities outlined in the report and to promote health and equity in Overtown.

Overtown Walking Audit Full Report

Overtown Walking Audit Brief Community Summary


Contact Jen Cheek at Jen@urbanhp.org for more information.


Posted on

February 19, 2019