About UHP


Our vision is to build equitable communities where everyone can lead healthier and happier lives through physical, social, and emotional well-being.


Our mission is to invest in our communities by co-designing sustainable change and promoting equity and well-being across the life span.

To accomplish this mission, we will:

  • Implement ongoing community-driven projects and initiatives that improve health, safety, accessibility, quality of life, and mental, physical and social wellbeing.
  • Support and lead community-driven action planning that addresses policy, system, and social and built environmental changes to create healthier and more equitable communities.
  • Build the capacity and leadership skills of community members and stakeholders so they can feel empowered to advocate for community needs and enact sustainable change.
  • Promote and integrate an approach of health and equity in all policies to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities through an improved social and built environment.
  • Promote communities that are inclusive and responsive to individuals of all backgrounds, identities, races, ages, and abilities through age-friendly policies and practices.

Guiding Principles

We, the staff of UHP, will serve as role models for our community members, actively living those values and principles most important to us:

  • We will operate with the highest standards of ethical behavior.
  • We will actively embrace diversity and strive to always exhibit mutual respect and inclusive practices for everyone in our community both external and internal to our organization.
  • We will promote authentic community engagement in all the work that we do.
  • We will invest in our communities through a long-term commitment to their health and wellbeing.
  • We will maintain a vibrant environment fostering continual learning and improvement where all individuals, regardless of background, identity, race, age, or ability can feel valued and contribute fully to our mission.
  • We will provide high-quality and high-value work efficiently in an environment that promotes flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance.
  • We will seek to be recognized as a leader and as an innovator in our field.
  • We will continue to build a sustainable organization with strong organizational and fiscal health with a committed Board of Directors.

Our Roadmap Toward Health Equity

UHP Testimonials

“UHP es una organización sin fines de lucro que me enseñó a amar cada día más el lugar en el que vivo. Me ayudo a sentirme parte de él aún siendo inmigrante a entender el por qué es importante vivir en una comunidad sana y el porque debemos abogar como residentes por una comunidad más justa y equitativa. El equipo de UHP es increíble, me dieron la oportunidad de reinventarme en este país haciendo que creciera en mi ser un buen líder comunitario haciendo el bien sin mirar a quien.

-Alejandro Diaz, former UHP Live Healthy Little Havana Community Liaison

“I have learned so much from this organization and my role as a Community Liaison. I am forever grateful for the many things we have been able to accomplish together.”

-Ebony Harris, former UHP Get Moving! Miami Gardens Community Liaison

View Our 2023 Annual Report

We Exist to Ignite, Inspire, and Implement Change