UHP’ Mission Impact by the Numbers

Residents Served across 44 communities and 3 counties

Participants have attended UHP-led events since 2015

Community Liaisons hired, trained, and work to engage residents

Age-friendly policy and systems changes implemented in Miami-Dade County since 2012

Miles in Broward County in various phases of Complete Streets implementation
following UHP’ mission assistance to the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Initiative

Food access and policy systems changes implemented since 2018
Initiatives and Areas of Impact

Building a Culture of Health Equity
Influence and build the capacity of communities, governments, and organizations to integrate health equity and justice so that everyone has the fair opportunity to live a healthy life.

Community-Driven Leadership
Partner with communities to lead strategies that increase community power and collectively address health equity and inclusion in the best interest of residents.

Age-Friendly Communities for Longevity
Build communities that allow everyone to age in place with dignity, health, equity, inclusion, and enjoyment.

Healthy Streets and Public Spaces
Improve streets and public spaces through community-centered projects, policies, and advocacy efforts that promote health equity and access to opportunity.

Food Access, Security and Justice
Co-design the implementation of equitable and just food access policy, systems, and environmental changes to ensure everyone’s rights to healthy food are a priority.