A logo for the safe streets summit.
A pair of shoes with the words moving forward on them.

Please join us for the 8th Annual Safe Streets Summit!

The Safe Streets Summit is a collaborative effort between the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) to provide a local yet regionally connected approach to prioritizing and implementing Complete Streets throughout southeast Florida.

The Safe Streets Summit brings together national speakers, public officials, technical staff, and community partners to advance the region’s efforts to create a safe, efficient, and connected multimodal transportation system for users of all ages, abilities and transportation modes.

The theme for the 2021 Safe Streets Summit is “Moving Our Community Forward,” focused on the region’s continued collaboration for implementing safe pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities that promote healthy and resilient communities.

Please join us on January 28-29, 2021 for the annual Safe Streets Summit’s 1st virtual conference to learn about the latest local and national initiatives for advancing safe streets for all. The event will include a terrific line up of speakers and plenty of opportunities to get involved, gain visibility as an organization, and connect with hundreds of participants.

The Safe Streets Summit, first developed and led by UHP in 2014, celebrated its 7th year anniversary in 2020. The Summit brings together national speakers, elected officials, planners, engineers, and community partners to work toward designing safer and better connected transportation facilities for all modes, ages, and abilities. UHP has been the coordinating agency for the Summit for 6 out of its 7 years and each year has succeeded in growing its attendance, showcasing nationally-recognized leaders, and promoting innovative and sustainable practices to prioritize and implement Complete Streets throughout southeast Florida. After being held in Broward for its first 3 years, the Summit is now a regional event, co-hosted by the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, and the Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization. As the coordinating agency, UHP manages all branding, program development, communications, registration, sponsorship and fiscal responsibilities, and operations of the conference.

To learn more about the Safe Streets Summit, visit www.safestreetssummit.org.


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October 22, 2017