Safe Streets 4 Broward
About the Project
UHP is collaborating with a team of incredible professionals to develop the Broward Safety Action Plan. This Safety Action Plan will use national best practices to understand the historical trends of severe crashes, analyze the type of streets that have the highest risk, and identify Priority Project Corridors throughout Broward County. This safety analysis will provide transportation experts the ability to create policies, programs, and public outreach materials that eliminate severe and deadly crashes on our streets.
UHP is leading the engagement, community involvement and supporting the development of the equity elements of the Action Plan. We’ll be hiring Community Liaisons in Broward County and offering a range of ways for residents to provide input. UHP Community Liaisons are residents of the neighborhoods where projects are taking place, and are able to share their lived experience and expertise in hyper-local outreach initiatives, ensuring that the project is reflective of the community served.
Stay tuned to this page for opportunities to engage, and check out the main project website for more information on the Action Plan.
Visit the Safe Streets 4 Broward website to see the timeline, safety dashboard, and opportunities to participate!
Broward Community Liaisons

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
Partners & Funders
WSP is leading the development of the Safety Action Plan, contracted by the Broward MPO. The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization and Broward County Government partnered to receive a $5 million grant award through the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) funding program. The partners will use the funding to develop the Broward Regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (BSAP), a joint commitment between the Broward MPO and Broward County to develop county-wide implementation strategies to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries with an emphasis on underserved communities. This award was made possible by leveraging a local match of $1.25 million from Broward County.
Get in touch
with UHP
(786) 224-2309